Qty. Poetry Titles by Gary David Price per copy
borderline $ 5.00
Island Hills Books, 1999
32 pp., saddle-stitched
The Last Days of Crazy Horse $ 5.00
Island Hills Books, 1999, 2000
28 pp., saddle stitched
photo of Crazy HorseDivining the Eagle's Vision
Spirit Horse Press, 1998
64 pp., ISBN 1-882191-04-8
5½" X 8½", saddle stitched $ 7.95Tierra Zia
nine muses books, 1996
illus., 40 pp., ISBN 1-878888-19-6
7" X 8½", saddle stitched $ 9.00
A Log of Deadwood
North Atlantic Books, 1993
illus. and photos, 143 pp.
ISBN 1-55643-156-2
6" X 9", perfect bound $ 9.95
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To order Gary David's nonfiction book The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cities of the American Southwest, go to www.theorionzone.com
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