Ordering Information

Qty.   Poetry Titles by Gary David Price per copy

           borderline                                                $ 5.00
           Island Hills Books, 1999
           32 pp., saddle-stitched

           The Last Days of Crazy Horse                   $ 5.00
           Island Hills Books, 1999, 2000
           28 pp., saddle stitched

           photo of Crazy Horse

           Divining the Eagle's Vision
           Spirit Horse Press, 1998
           64 pp., ISBN 1-882191-04-8
           5½" X 8½", saddle stitched                       $ 7.95

           Tierra Zia
           nine muses books, 1996
           illus., 40 pp., ISBN 1-878888-19-6
           7" X 8½", saddle stitched                          $ 9.00

           A Log of Deadwood
           North Atlantic Books, 1993
           illus. and photos, 143 pp.
           ISBN 1-55643-156-2
           6" X 9", perfect bound                               $ 9.95

    Shipping & Handling per book: $2.00 for first book.,
    $.50 for each additional book

    For orders of 5 or more of each title, discount 40% off cover price. Postpaid.

    Print out form and send payment to:

    Island Hills Books
                         P.O. Box 4282
                         Chino Valley, AZ 86323-4282


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