Senior lives in the hand-hewn log cabin, built by her family, where she was raised
in Wyoming's rugged Snowy Range foothills. Dawn's art and writing spring from
her experiences with wild animals and with Navajo and Hopi friends among whom
her family lived for 5 years.
After 8th grade Dawn's father taught her
at home; he was a published author (Smoke Upon the Winds, Swallow Press,
1961*) and professional artist (Graduate National Academy School of Fine Art,
Dawn attended the University of Wyoming and Hastings College in
Nebraska, studying life drawing, printmaking, bronze casting, creative writing
and literature.
She travels throughout Wyoming and South Dakota as an
artist-in-schools and has worked as an editor for her family's small press, Willow
Bee Publishing House.
Dawn's poetry, essays, woodcuts and pen-and-ink
illustrations have been published in literary magazines, chapbooks and anthologies,
including Leaning
Into the Wind and Woven
On the Wind (Houghton-Mifflin, 1997 and 2001). Her book of poetry co-authored
with B.J. Buckley is titled Moonhorses
and the Red Bull. Her bronzes, oil paintings and woodcuts have been shown
regionally and are owned privately in many countries and across the U.S.
to Dawn's websites: Dawn
Senior-Trask Fine Art and
Moonhorse Art Studio .
Dawn's e-mail.
*Willoughby F. Senior's
book Smoke Upon the Winds is currently out-of-print, but used copies can
be purchased through www.abebooks.com
can go HOME again.